Terms of Use for FingeRate Agent Mode


1. Introduction

Welcome to the FingeRate Agent Mode, a feature of the FingeRate App that allows users to create and manage surveys, as well as install and manage virtual bots within the app. The FingeRate App, including the Agent Mode, is owned and operated by GG56 Korea. By using the Agent Mode, you agree to comply with these Terms of Use, which are in addition to the general Terms of Use for the FingeRate App.

2. User Responsibility

2.1. Survey Content:

Users are solely responsible for the content of the surveys they create using the Agent Mode. You agree not to create, share, or distribute any surveys that contain offensive, racist, xenophobic, religiously sensitive, or otherwise controversial content. GG56 Korea reserves the right to review, monitor, and remove any surveys or responses that violate these guidelines without prior notice to the users.

2.2. Compliance with Laws:

You agree to ensure that all surveys and their content comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines in Seoul, South Korea

3. Currency and Payment

3.1. AP:

Surveys and virtual bots in the Agent Mode are created and managed using AP an in-app currency exclusive to FingeRate Agent Mode. As of the date of these Terms of Use (), AP can only be used within the Agent Mode and cannot be exchanged for real-world currency or other in-app currencies.

4. Ownership of Data & Data

4.1. Data Ownership:

All data generated through the surveys, including responses and analytics, are owned by GG56 Korea. By using the Agent Mode, you grant GG56 Korea the right to use, analyze, and share this data without needing to obtain prior consent from you or any participants involved in the surveys.

4.2. User Information Collection

When signing up for the Agent Mode, you will be required to provide personal information, which is already collected or partially collected, when creating an account on FingeRate App, including your phone number, full name, address, and email address. This information is collected to:

By providing this information, you consent to its use for the purposes stated above in accordance with GG56 Korea’s privacy policy.

5. Right to Modify or Delete Content

5.1. Content Management:

GG56 Korea reserves the right to modify or delete any surveys, responses, or related content at any time without prior notice, especially if they are found to be in violation of these Terms of Use or the general Terms of Use of the FingeRate App. If this happens to you and you would like more information about why your content was modified or removed, please feel free to reach out to us using the contact form on our website fingerate.world

6. Termination of Access

6.1. Breach of Terms:

GG56 Korea reserves the right to suspend or terminate your access to the Agent Mode if you are found, or not found, to be in violation of these Terms of Use or the general Terms of Use of the FingeRate App.

7. Amendments to the Terms of Use

7.1. Modifications:

GG56 Korea may update or modify these Terms of Use at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting within the FingeRate App and/or FingeRate website. Your continued use of the Agent Mode after any such changes constitutes your acceptance of the new Terms of Use.

8. General Provisions

8.1. Parallel Application:

These Terms of Use for FingeRate Agent Mode are intended to complement and operate in conjunction with the general Terms of Use of the FingeRate App. In the event of any conflict between the two, the general Terms of Use of the FingeRate App shall prevail.

8.2. Language:

In cases where these Terms of Use have been translated into other languages, the English version shall prevail in the event of any discrepancies or inconsistencies. By using FingeRate Agent Mode, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these terms, you should not use the Agent Mode.

9. Contact Information

If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding these Terms of Use or the FingeRate Agent Mode, you can reach out to GG56 Korea using the contact form available on the FingeRate App or on our official website. We encourage you to contact us with any inquiries or issues you may have.