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    퀘스트 이벤트 당첨자 발표 [24/05/02]

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    crypto.com의 DeFi 월렛에서 MSOT(BTour Chain)을 만나보세요!

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    GG56 Korea has launched the metaverse platform ‘Signis FR’

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    Purple homepage in Korean

    FingeRate 2.0 homepage is officially accessible to the public!

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    YBM makes an investment of 2 million dollars in GG56

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    Medical personal filling up a syringe

    GG56 is offering the COVID-19 digital solution to the world for Free

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    GG56, developed digital health pass ‘Pass&Go’ to guarantee economic activity for the people who tested negative in Covid-19 test

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    Pass&Go will showcase Korea’s exemplary response to COVID-19

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    GG56 signed an MOA with IMECC to distribute ‘Pass&Go’ to China

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    GG56 signed MOA with 3 major biotechnological companies of Korea

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    GG56 Ltd. Presents Pass&Go App at AeHIN 7th Annual Conference